Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wild Reading Quiz 2

Click the link for Wild Reading Quiz 2 assignment. Answer every question completely! Reading Quiz 2

Friday, August 10, 2018


Welcome to Mr. Rease’s Classroom Blog! Students, you have received the first blog assignment. Your first blog post is an introduction. In other words, tell the readers who you are, what you like to do, and your expectations for this school year. Students, make sure you adhere to all of the rules that we discussed in class about posting a blog post. You must post your introduction by Monday, August 13, 2018.

In addition, if you have not done so, follow this blog by clicking the “Join this Site” link on the right hand corner of this page. You will need to review this blog daily. I hope you are as excited as I am about our classroom blog! I look forward to reading your posts!

2018 - 2019 AP Literature and Composition Class

2018 - 2019 AP Language and Composition Class

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Summer Reading Assignment: AP Lit Students

I have attached a copy of the summer reading assignment for students who may not have received the email. A hard copy was given to you in class as well. Click the link for the assignment: AP Lit Summer Reading Assignment

Greats news! I now have a class set of The Joy Luck Club. Tomorrow, I will place copies of the novel in the office. You may come up to B.C. Rain anytime after Thursday to check out a copy. Call before you come so that you can assure that someone is there! The telephone number is 251-221-3233

Additionally, I have attached copies of How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster.

You may still purchase these books if you so desire, but I have eliminated the cost factor for you. :)

Friday, April 27, 2018

Surprise Party!

I gave a surprise party to my graduating Class of 2018 AP Students! Such a wonderful group of students! Enjoy! AP Exams and graduation will be here soon!

The Color Purple

Your final assignment for The Color Purple is to finish watching the film and compare and contrast the film to the novel. This should be done in at least 2 paragraphs.

Finally, you will write an overall review of the novel.

This assignment will go into the major grade category; you must post the assignment to your blog by midnight Sunday!

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

AP Academic Competition

On Tuesday, March 27, 2018, the first ever Advanced Placement Academic Competition was held at Blount High School. Our senior AP students competed against Blount, Leflore, Vigor, and Williamson. OUR students placed 1st in the ciphering competition, and we placed 1st in the overall competition. This is a huge accomplishment for our school!

Maurice Spelton-Poe finished among the top 10 writers for the competition.

Friday, March 9, 2018


You will have a prewriting activity in which you examine the idea of invisibility in our society today: Who are the invisible groups in our society? How is this similar/different to the invisible groups during the Harlem Renaissance? What makes a group invisible? How do race, identity and ideology play a role in invisibility?

Afterwards, you will break into groups of 3-4 and choose a group of people that are “invisible” in our society/community. Each group will explore why this group is “invisible” to mainstream society? What are the ideologies around this group. How can this group become “visible” or can they? Possible group suggestions (immigrants, youth, the poor, women, the middle class, Muslims, African Americans, Native Americans, Latinos, other ethnic or religious groups, etc…)

Each group will write their analysis on paper and then present them during the last 40 minutes of class.

Closing discussion: What are some common themes that you saw. What factors contribute to invisibility? Is it possible to become visible?

Homework is due on your blog by the end of Sunday night: Write a letter to Ralph Ellison explaining why his novel, Invisible Man, is relevant or not in today’s society? Use at least two references from the novel.

A Worn Path and The Rockpile

You read "A Worn Path"yesterday. If you did not read the story, read the story! Today, you will answer the discussion question. A hard-copy will be provided to you in class.

Homework: In two separate blog posts, write a reflection about "The Rockpile" and "A Worn Path". Your reflections should be at least 2 paragraphs each. They are due by the end of Sunday night.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Making Connections: Invisible Man

Remember to complete all of the assignments! Many of you are falling behind and every assignment that you take a zero on, your overall grade suffers. The quarter ends next Friday! Lack of internet or claiming you did not receive the assignment is no excuse. Let’s finish the quarter strong!

I hope you are reading Invisible Man and keeping up with the class. I did not assign homework last night, so you should have took advantage of that opportunity to catch up if you are behind. As of today, you should be on Chapter 7.

In class today, March 7th, you will consider all of the chapters you have read up to this point.

1. What are three prevalent themes throughout the novel thus far? Give a thorough explanation of those themes and support your reasoning with evidence from the text.

2. Connect those three themes of Invisible Man to other literary works. You will connect the themes to the poems “I, Too” and “Refugee in America” by Langston Hughes. Both poems are located in the orange book under your desk. Read the poems and tell how your themes connect to each poem.

3. You will complete this work in class, and then post the assignment onto your blog to receive credit. In addition, you will post the study guide questions for Chapter 7 to your blog in a separate post. Both posts must be uploaded to the blog by the end of the day on Thursday, March 8th.

Monday, March 5, 2018

AP Language Students: The Rockpile

Tell me about the synthesis essay. Write about your experience of writing the in-class essay. What do you think you need to work on? What questions do you have?

Lesson 2 Vocabulary words sentence completion sheet. You will answer the questions on the sentence completion worksheet ON YOUR OWN PAPER. You will receive a hard copy of the words for lesson 2 and the sentence completion sheet.

Read the short story “The Rockpile” by James Baldwin. Afterwards, you will answer the critical reading questions below. Turn in your work.

Complete ALL assignments!

AP Lit: Invisible Man Chapters 4 - 6

Consider this question for today: Describe Mr. Norton and Mr. Trueblood from Invisible Man. How does the author characterize those character? Which do you like best?

You will start literature circles on Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of Invisible Man. In order to complete this assignment, you will into groups of 4. Roles will be assigned roles to each student (55 minutes). Whatever you do not finish in class for your role must be completed by tomorrow. Do not do the bare minimal. Tomorrow you will discuss the roles.

Tonight's homework: Read Chapter 6 and answer the study questions. Study question answers for Chapter 4, Chapter 5, and Chapter 6 must be posted onto your blog by the end of Tuesday night, March 6th, 2018. Consider this question:

Complete ALL assignments on time!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Senior Project Activities

Here is the list of assigned novels and activities for the senior project. Refer to the handout for specifics about each activity.

Tatiauna Burgett- Out of Africa: Activity 15 (Advertisements)
Robert Phillips- Kite Runner: Activity 9 (Poetry)
Kahlia King- The Giver: Activity 19 (Character Alphabet)
Doryan Williams- The Fall: Activity 9 (Poetry)
Justin Ward- Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde: Activity 1 (Character Astrology Signs)
Kenneth Smith- Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Activity 11 (Talk to the author)
Isiah Jamall Jones- Brave New World: Activity 1 (Character astrology Signs)
Alexis Peters- Crime and Punishment: Activity 4 (Facebook Post)
Jaylin Lucas- Wuthering Heights: Activity 2 (Heroes and Superheroes)
Travia Wilson- For Colored Girls: Activity 1 (Astrology Signs)
Jim'Miya Wright- Lord of the Flies: Activity 1 (Astrology Signs)
Caitlyn Rackley- Beloved: Activity 8 (Music Soundtrack)
Breshea Carter- To Kill a Mockingbird: Activity 2 ( Heroes and Superheroes)
Derrick Dickerson- Death at a Salesman: Activity 1 (Astrology Signs)
Katore James- Othello: Activity 5 ( Chat Room)

Monday, February 26, 2018

Invisible Man Assignment

AP Lit Students, complete the assignment below for Invisible Man and be prepared to share your answers in class tomorrow!


1. Find out as much as you can about the life and times of the author, Ralph Ellison. Focus on the years 1935 to 1955, since these are the ones that formed many of Ellison’s attitudes, as well as the time during which Invisible Man takes place. You should also include information on how this book was first received by the public. You will want to find out some things about how African Americans were treated during those years socially, legally and educationally as well as how they thought about their own lives and their place in society. You should write at least three paragraphs.

2. Ralph Ellison’s 1952 novel Invisible Man has appeared on the A.P. exam more than any other English-language novel. In what way(s) is his novel still relevant in 2018? Consider current events, personal connections, and everything that we discussed today in class.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Emily Dickinson's Quotes

Thoroughly analyze each quotation from Emily Dickinson’s poems. You will post this assignment to your blog by the end of the day on Monday, January 15, 2018. A one sentence analysis will not be accepted.