Monday, February 26, 2018

Invisible Man Assignment

AP Lit Students, complete the assignment below for Invisible Man and be prepared to share your answers in class tomorrow!


1. Find out as much as you can about the life and times of the author, Ralph Ellison. Focus on the years 1935 to 1955, since these are the ones that formed many of Ellison’s attitudes, as well as the time during which Invisible Man takes place. You should also include information on how this book was first received by the public. You will want to find out some things about how African Americans were treated during those years socially, legally and educationally as well as how they thought about their own lives and their place in society. You should write at least three paragraphs.

2. Ralph Ellison’s 1952 novel Invisible Man has appeared on the A.P. exam more than any other English-language novel. In what way(s) is his novel still relevant in 2018? Consider current events, personal connections, and everything that we discussed today in class.

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