Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Making Connections: Invisible Man

Remember to complete all of the assignments! Many of you are falling behind and every assignment that you take a zero on, your overall grade suffers. The quarter ends next Friday! Lack of internet or claiming you did not receive the assignment is no excuse. Let’s finish the quarter strong!

I hope you are reading Invisible Man and keeping up with the class. I did not assign homework last night, so you should have took advantage of that opportunity to catch up if you are behind. As of today, you should be on Chapter 7.

In class today, March 7th, you will consider all of the chapters you have read up to this point.

1. What are three prevalent themes throughout the novel thus far? Give a thorough explanation of those themes and support your reasoning with evidence from the text.

2. Connect those three themes of Invisible Man to other literary works. You will connect the themes to the poems “I, Too” and “Refugee in America” by Langston Hughes. Both poems are located in the orange book under your desk. Read the poems and tell how your themes connect to each poem.

3. You will complete this work in class, and then post the assignment onto your blog to receive credit. In addition, you will post the study guide questions for Chapter 7 to your blog in a separate post. Both posts must be uploaded to the blog by the end of the day on Thursday, March 8th.

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